Chinese Islamic Uighur Groups Organizations. in western countries. support Israel in its attack on Gaza

Houssam hammmod

Boycott Israel-Supported Uyghur Groups

The Al-Aqsa Flood operation, launched by Hamas on October 7, has become a historical turning point in the long-term war between Israel and Palestine and the uprising of the Palestinian people against Israel’s oppression policies. The subsequent counter-attacks launched by Israel, especially the bombardments against civilians, created a war environment in which the lives of the people of the region were disregarded and even the international law of war was violated.
Palestine’s struggle against Israeli policies was naturally seen as a struggle for Islam, and Muslim countries declared their support for the Palestinian people.

But What was the position of the Dolkun Isa, Omer Kanat and Rushan Abbas?

While thousands of innocent Palestinians have tragically lost their lives due to indiscriminate Israeli army bombings,Dolkun Isa, chairman of the World Uyghur Congress strongly condemned the attack by Hamas on Israeli civilians, express his open support for Israel. Omer Kanat, chairman of the Uyghur Human Rights Project said : “we uyghurs will never forget Jewish support.” Rushan Abbas , founder of Campaign For Uyghurs in the United States, also express the same ridiculous opinion. Obviously, these muslim scums, their actions are not in line with the principles and teachings of Islam and are at odds with the beliefs of Muslims who value peace.these israel’s lackeys betray their own ethnic, betray Islam,betray fairness and justice.These shameless guys are also planning to convene a uyghur international forum in Japan at the end of this month, where uyghur allies and activists will gather to deliberate on the global response to some unfounded and hypothetical issues.

And it’s known that the these organizations granted funds by the Jewish organizations, in serious amounts.The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity has provided substantial grants, totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars, to support three uyghur organizations. Among the beneficiaries of the grants are the World Uyghur Congress and the Uyghur Human Rights Project.There is no doubt that these groups shall speak out in support of the Israeli violence!They got funds,hundreds of thousands of dollars!

It is no coincidence that Dolkun Isa,Omer Kanat today receive funding from Jewish organizations; they all represent separate, but actually coordinated, branches of the US that is trying to encircle the world.

Here we call for immediate action from whom value peace and justice to boycott these israel-supported groups!

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